Sunday, April 25, 2010

Dinosaur and Human

Today I saw two different relevant information on the history of the earth. One is a book on the origin of language and music, the other saying that "it's official" that the cause of dinosaur's extinction is the asteroid. I felt two things: one, the dinosaur lived on earth for 160million years before it happened;and they were considered one of the dominant species on the planet. Our human have only a few thousand years of recorded history and we sometimes think that we know everything and we are so great. It's way too short, and there is no reason that we should be thinking we're doing good or we're going to do good for long. Second, the whole business of prehistory is hard. I would like to know how evolutionary linguists I read today made this endeavor from speculation to hard science. The dinosaur is the same. Human is too small in the universe and even in the history of earth it is not worth mentioning yet. The future is uncertain. Somehow I have always felt, like Einstein's example of a two dimension cow trying to understand the three dimension world, there is something that human is not capable of understanding. It is simply beyond our understanding because of the scale--we are too small. This includes whether god exists. Don't ever be arrogant; don't think you are sure that you know everything. It's not possible.

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