Friday, February 15, 2008

Charles Seeger as a good man

“And some Fate and Fury should fill all, professional and amateur alike, who have asserted or try to assert property rights over the genuine folk stuff they have collected, with a decent sense of shame. Assertion of property rights in folk music must be somehow stopped. …Genuine folk music belongs to the whole people, and no one, not even if he has paid fifty cents or five dollars to an informant for the privilege of recording or notating it, has any right whatsoever to stand between that singer and the people to which he and his music belong.”

I find that Seeger is indeed a great yet lovely man. His sharp mind and observation, his wit, his concern and care for society and people as well as music and study of music, made him a great scholar and leader in the academia. But more importantly, his kind heart that took care of the majority of the people and their music in this world filled with the corruption of commerce, his many poetic metaphors, his hilarious and sarcastic comments, and many other things, makes him coming out of the page vividly talking to us as a very dear old man. I feel sorry that many people do not get him and his ideas, for there is absolutely countless treasures in his writings, and certainly because his is such a good man that people should get to know. I will consider Seeger as a spiritual mentor of mine and explore and expand his ideas for as long as I shall live. This is an emotional comment out of the intelligent ones that we’ve been making so far.

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